Visit our Veneer Factory
20 years of experience guarantees uncompromising quality. This, combined with outstandingly skilled craftsmen and advanced machine park allows to create top-of-the-line products, appreciated by thousands of happy customers! Let's go on tour through our Veneer Factory and get to know our production process, step by step.
What in fact is veneer?
A thin layer of decorative wood, produced in a form of 250 cm long and 20 cm wide sheets.

A bit of number crunching
>20 years of experience within the field
184 of employees - 53 women, 131 men
11 026 m² total area of the factory

Meet the production process, step by step.
1. Veneer selection and cutting
Each piece of veneer is checked manually (defected pieces are removed) and cut to a desired length.
2. Veneer sheets combining and glueing
Several pieces of veneer are combined together and glued on MDF board using a press machine.

3. Board cutting and drilling
Large MDF boards covered with veneer sheets are cut to a desired format and drilled whenever needed, using
advanced CNC-machinery.

4. Polishing and lacquering
Every part of each board is being pre-polished and put
through a 20 meters-long lacquering and UV-hardening line. Next, the polishing and lacquering process is
being repeated one more time.

5. To be continued
All components are being carefully packed and delivered to our warehouse, where they are processed further
to form final, ready to ship products.
Components being produced here:
- Streiko Bed - Frame
- Toglan Coffee Table - Top
- Kafibor Coffee Table - Top
- Looi Coffee Table - Top
- Tu Bedside Table - Top
- Oly Stool - Top
- Suumo Sideboard - Frame Top & Bottom